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This town is located between Szentes and Kunszentmárton, at the confluence of the Tőke and Veker brooks. The natural assets of the town are made up of the combination of the proximity of the Körös River and its flood plain, the scenery of the farmsteads and the proximity of the protected Magyartés-Zalota landscape area. The region is also enhanced with cultural and historical assets also.

Monuments to water management that have operated since the regulation of the rivers are a part of the surroundings, for example the Bökény Dam and the boat lock. For those interested there is a library and internet access in the building of the Mayor’s Office. The Petőfi Sándor Library is the community’s library with 6,400 volumes, welcoming readers in a friendly environment. The internet services of the “e-Magyarország Pont” may be utilized by anyone, according to their needs.

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